Sunday 6 November 2011

"but I didn't inhale!"

I had an amazing time in Oxford this weekend. I wandered around town gawking at the architecture, highlighted by he Autumn colours for a couple of hours until Jen was finished work. And the window shopping! There were so many nice things.
I can't get over how gorgeous the town is. The colleges, libraries and churches all look like medieval castles, covered in gargoyles. And I loved how almost everyone traveled by bike. There must have been a few graduation ceremonies that day too, because many people were wearing their gowns.
Chris took us to his favourite pub for super. Apparently it was the place that President Clinton didn't inhale. After why I have to admit was good pub grub, we walked out to the Guy Fox bonfire and fireworks. Much better than Halloween.

Today we went for a walk in the countryside. I love how there are public footpaths crisscrossing the country, although I suppose they are the bane of farmers' existence. There's so much to see and so little time.


  1. Something weird is happening to your titles. Have a look.
    Keep on bloggin'! - Mum

  2. It's because I'm using my phone for some of the entries. It doesn't like punctuation.
