Sunday, 18 March 2012


My regular Skype fiddle instructor is taking her Spring break at the moment. Luckily, Trent, my original Skype instructor is back from his latest tour with The Fretless (check them out, they're amazing), and is able to step in for her while she's off exploring her family roots.

It's neat playing with someone you haven't seen in a while. He says I've gotten better, which is reassuring because I haven't noticed it myself. If anything, I've felt that I've slipped a bit, not having a rigorous routine. I've been feeling pulled in many directions recently, and not making any headway in any (Folk club, worship team, Skype lessons, Sheltland - all pretty much independently, as much as they sound like group activities). He thinks Roxanna's got me practicing to a metronome (which I really should be, I'm sure), because he says my timing has improved dramatically. And I DO know that I'm picking tunes up by ear a bit faster. I'm potentially becoming a better sight reader as well. The encouragement felt good.

We had the chance to play the tune he was teaching me, Hut on Staffin Island, together over Skype. It made me realise just how MUCH I miss playing with others, as well as being immersed in music. It was like an insatiable hunger being unleashed. I must be feeling Fiddle Camp withdrawal!

In other news, I've got my first teaching observation coming up on Tuesday. On one hand, it's good because it means my favourite school is considering me for a position next year. On the OTHER hand, my entire Essex teaching career depends on it. OK, I may be exaggerating a bit, but still. 

What else? Just for kicks I'm going with a co-worker to his church next Sunday. He's South African, and the service will be in Afrikaans. They have headsets for English speakers like myself. (???)

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