Saturday, 26 November 2011

Continuing classroom adventures

I've had a good last couple of weeks. We're getting into the holidays, so schedules are a little bit more flexible, and there's a lot more variety. Lots of Christmas productions in the works. It's a good thing that I've watched the Sound of Music many times... I had to teach "Do, A Deer" to a class of 4 year olds, with no prep. Another day I got to play Miss Hannagan (sp?) in Annie. I still have "it's a hard knock life" playing through my head.
Kids have the strangest memories. I was in a school that I'd visited once about 2 months ago. The kids from the next door Reception class came up to me at playtime to ask me if I could help them draw a spider web. Sure they don't remember the actual curriculum I taught them that day, nor my name (they all think I'm miss "Cones" here, which I suppose is about as close as "Coombs" back home), but they remember some random 5 minute activity I did with a few of them. It's like when the girls at camp, who by the way were NOT in my cabin, wanted to show me their teeth were squeaky after brushing them (the year before, when they WERE in my cabin, I couldn't get them to brush their teeth for the life of me).
Getting side tracked, as usual.
Next week I'm at my favourite school again. I've got a Year 1 class (kindergarten) that I know fairly well. My personal mission is to try to train them not to crowd around me poking me and saying "Miss, miss, miss!" while I'm already speaking to one of them. I'm not sure it's possible. I can barely train my 11 year olds back home. Any ideas you experienced infant teachers?
Well, my train has arrived at its destination. I'm off to see the queen! May have to settle for her castle.

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