Wednesday, 20 July 2011

An Accident Waiting to Happen

They REALLY need to stop rerouting the roads in my home town. Here I am booting along a back road that I "know well"... at a fairly decent clip... at night. And I go around a turn, and suddenly, it stops. In a cul-de-sac. With rocks along the end. Seriously. A few years ago, I came to town and couldn't find my way home, because they'd rerouted and cut off the roads leading to Clifton Rd. AND moved the entire bottom half of Clifton itself!

That being said, I've had a great visit in Kelowna. And it's been so much fun catching up with friends I haven't seen in years. Maybe we don't have to wait so long next time?

Nostalgic memory triggers:
- reaching the arid landscape just outside Kamloops, and suddenly being hit by the feeling of "home"
- the Ponderosa Pine smell of vanilla on a sweltering day
- the dry heat
- driving through orchards, and automatically trying to identify the apple tree varieties from the road
- driving past the empty lot that used to be KSS
- the juicy explosion of a ripe cherry
- the sweet smell of hay, combined with leather and horse sweat

Happy 60th Dad! And Happy Retirement!
A Family Reunion Portrait like no other

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